Words of 17th century Moilere
Come let’s forget the follies of our times
And pardon mankind of its petty crimes
Let’s have an end of ratings and railings
And show some lienancy to human failings
This world requires a pliant rectitude
Too stern a virtue makes one stiff and rude
Good sense views all extremes and destinations
And bids us to be noble in moderation
The rigid virtues of the ancient days
Are not for us, they jar
With our ways
And ask of us too lofty a perfection
Wise men accept their times without objections
And there is no greater folly, if you ask me,
Then try to change society.
Like you, I see each day a hundred and one unhandsome deeds
That might be better done
I take men as they are,
Or let them be,
And teach my soul to bear
Their fraility:
But still, for all the
Faults that meet my view
I’m never known to storm and rave like you.
इ still rise, I will not apologize for anything!
Not a Good Queer NAGQ
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